Comprehensive information about UK-NL education by the expert and professionals

Comprehensive Information about UK-NL education by expert and professional

Hybrid Education from 2 countries

Hybrid Education from 2 Countries: the UK and Netherlands

Don't miss our upcoming webinar presenting informative talks about study in 2 favourite countries in Europe: the United Kingdoms and Netherlands.

Our speakers:

Citra Chergia Tarik, MSc - Subsea Engineer @ BP UK

Fadly Gunawan, MSc -Senior Performance Marketing Specialist @ ADIDAS Group Europe

Putri Sari Suci, MSc - Strategic Assistant to CEO @ Zurich Insurance Indonesia

Dhirata Widhya Putri, MSc Manager @ Indonesia

Study & Career Journey

Comprehensive information about UK Education by the Expert and Professionals: Study and Career Journey

In this webinar we had the honour to invite our speakers: Steven Marcelino, BSc (hons), Fahita Advani BSc (Hons) MA and Haikal Bekti Anggoro BA (Hons). They talked about the times when studied in UK, applied for grants and built the networks during the study period. Today, they are young professionals with high careers in business and education sectors. In this opportunity we had the honour the listen the music performance by Ms. Fahita Advani playing harps.

We would like to appreciate and kindly thank our speakers and participants in this webinar session.